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Cash App for Kids, Minors & Teens [The Ultimate Guide 2025]

Cash App for kids was released towards the close of 2021. The service is just one of many financial tools that are currently being targeted at minors.

The facility is geared towards the financial literacy of tweens.

What I like most about Cash App for minors is that it allows parents to monitor its usage, helping you to guide your kids on how to use their cash from allowances and earnings from odd jobs.

Before we get to how to use Cash App for 13 year-olds, the restrictions imposed on the facility, other Cash App safety measures, and the best Cash App alternative for minors, I have to ask, do you have a Cash App account?

The Cash app works like a bank account at your fingertips.

You can shop, deposit and withdraw cash, send and receive money from friends and family, make investments, and other banking services.

To get this must-have tool, sign up now using my Cash App Referral Code “ZFXCWHR” to get a $5+ welcome bonus.

Once your account has been approved, and ID-verified you can then authorize a Cash App account for your kid.

Cash App For Kids and Minors [Rules]

Cash App For Kids and Minors

Cash App for teens works in many ways as an account for 18+ adults. However, to ensure kids use the Cash App responsibly, the platform limits the Cash App features available for an authorized user.

In particular, the app or Cash Card for your child cannot make purchases in bars, nightclubs, cigar stores, motels, and resorts.

Other businesses in the category include dating services, casinos, car rentals, plus bonds and bail.

How to Get a Cash App Card for Kids Under 18?

First off, the Cash App age limit is 13 to 17. Cash App for teenagers is also subject to approval from a parent or guardian.

Note, once the adult approves the account legally, they become the owners of the Cash App account for kids and teens.

In financial terms, the minor is an “authorized user“.

What this means is that while your child can use the account to receive, send money, and do other transactions, they are not liable for any debts, scams, or fees incurred by the account; you are.

Now, to get the web-based account ready for use, and get the physical Visa debit card, the mobile app offers teens 2 ways of going about it; either the teen or the parent can initiate a child’s Cash App account.

1. Authorization Request By The Teen

The Cash App age requirement is for minors ensures that anyone from age 13 can download the app Google Play or App Store.

Once the bank app is installed, initiate the authorization in-app by:

  • On the Home Screen, click the profile icon.
  • Go to Family Accounts and click on “I’m a Teen“.
  • Fill in the Cash App for kids application form with details such as your name and birthday.
  • Click Request Approval.
  • Input the name, email, phone number, or $CashTag of your parent/guardian.
  • Click Send.

Once you create a Cash App account and indicate that you are a teen, automatically some safeguards kick in. For example, you cannot add funds, send a payment, or request a Cash Card.

2. A Parent/Guardian Authorizing The Account

An adult who is legally identified as a parent, or a guardian, can invite their kid to start using the Cash App by:

  • On the home screen, click your profile icon.
  • Go to Family Accounts and tap “Invite a Teen“.
  • From the prompts, fill in the fields to share an invite link via text or email.

After your kid downloads the Cash App for 13 year olds by clicking the link, you will be required to approve the app.

  • On the home screen click the Activity icon.
  • Go to Request for Approval.
  • Tap View to review the terms of the service, then click Approve.

Click Here to Sign Up for Cash App

What Teens Can Do On Cash App?

The Cash App under 18 service comes with many features to teach kids about money.

Personal finance features for the app include a physical debit card for kids, ATM withdrawals, transfer of money (sending and receiving), and direct deposit.

Teen Cash App users also get instant rewards (Boosts) when shopping at specific retailers and requesting payments from individuals and businesses; this last feature means teens can also work and get paid via the app.

However, one way to help kids use their Cash App limits usage of the app, such as using the debit card at bars. Below are the highlights on how to use Cash App under 18 features within the allowable limits:

  1. Withdraw up to $25,000 into a bank account every 7 days.
  2. Set up direct deposit of up to $7,500 every 30 days.
  3. Make Paper Money Deposits of up to $250 and $1,000, every 7 days and 30 days, respectively.

Cash App also allows users to design their Cash Card for kids. For example, you can customize the debit card to glow in the dark, bear your initials, or feature your favorite sports team.

Are You A Teen? Download and Sign Up for Cash App Today.

Cash App Restrictions for Kids/ Teens

This free mobile finance platform comes with stringent restrictions that make the adult’s and kid’s versions quite different. For example, the kid Cash App cannot:

  1. Use the app or Cash Card to pay cross-border transactions.
  2. Borrow money through Cash App.
  3. Use the prepaid card or app to buy or sell cryptocurrency (Bitcoin).
  4. Deposit paychecks into any Cash Accounts.
  5. Participate in opportunities provided by Cash App investing features.

Caution: The money in your Cash App is FDIC-insured. However, like any other insurance program, the account holder is expected to comply with the terms and conditions of the facility they opt into.

Also Read: 150+ Cash App Card Designs To Try!

Safety Measures to Follow

While kids can use their Cash Card and app within the limits set by Cash App, you as the liable party are free to impose other safety measures.

Basically, as part of Cash App approval for minors’ use, you have an oversight role in monitoring all transactions that your kid makes. Further, you should:

  1. Discuss with your teen the risks of handling digital money. Let them know that Cash App’s money is actual dollars and cents.
  2. Install anti-malware software on your teen’s phone. This can help in avoiding Cash App scams by filtering sites for virus and spam emails.
  3. Limit who can send money or requests on your teen’s app. Go to the Profile Icon > Privacy & Insecurity > Incoming Requests. Next, toggle on to receive requests from their Contacts only.
  4. Impress on your kid the fact that they send money, and the chances of getting refunds are slim. On Cash App, you instantly send money, and the recipient can withdraw the money from their account instantly.
  5. Teach them to maintain low balances. This ensures your teen budgets.
  6. Help your teen to be knowledgeable about online scams. Together, discuss the various online scams that plague Cash App and others money apps like PayPal and Venmo.
  7. Most importantly, let them know the danger in sharing their $cashtag, phone number, and email with just anybody.

Lastly, the company assures parents and guardians that “they can also deactivate the Cash Card and account at any time by contacting support”.

Check Out: Cash app ATMs Near Me

Step App: Best Cash App Alternatives for Minors

Step App: Best Alternative to Cash App Card for Kids

One of the best Cash App kids alternative is the Step banking app from a financial tech company bearing a similar name. Its banking services include a Step Visa Debit Card, Mobile App, and Credit Building.

Further, to instill financial literacy, the app comes with parental control features. Key among them is a separate app for the authorizing adult to monitor the kid’s app. The app is free and does not incur any hidden charges.

Step was released in 2018 and currently boasts 3M+ users. Only US residents of age 6 and above are eligible to set up a Step account.

Note, for underage users, an adult has to approve this cashapp for minors.


Can Minors Use Cash App?

If you are searching for a cashapp for kids, Cash App from Block Inc, formerly Square Cash, is the perfect wallet for you. The app allows kids many of the features open to adults, with an added layer of monitoring by a parent of guardian. The best part is that use of the Cash App Card for minors is restricted in businesses like bars, dating apps, and casinos.

Are There Apps Like Cash App for Minors?

There are several cash apps for minors that can rival Cash App. The Step App is one such platform that comes with stringent parental controls and a much lower eligibility age. Additionally, you can sponsor several minors on the Step App to ensure the whole family learns money management.

Greenlight is another leading kids cash app that comes with automated allowance feature and a budgeting tool for minors. GoHenry is yet another top cashapp for teens that’s best suited for the UK market.

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